Swim with tropical fish at Zoom Torino zoo |
A tourist snorkels with tropical fishes in a swimming pool on June 14, 2018 at the Zoom Torino zoo in Cumiana, near Turin, Italy. The zoo is the first in Europe where it is possible to practice snorkeling with typical tropical fishes of Lake Malawi. MARCO BERTORELLO, AFP/Getty Images |
A keeper feeds tropical fishes in a swimming pool on June 14, 2018 at the Zoom Torino zoo in Cumiana, near Turin, Italy. MARCO BERTORELLO, AFP/Getty Images |
Tropical fish swim in a swimming pool on June 14, 2018 at the Zoom Torino zoo in Cumiana, near Turin, Italy. MARCO BERTORELLO, AFP/Getty Images |
A tourist snorkels with tropical fishes in a swimming pool on June 14, 2018 at the Zoom Torino zoo in Cumiana, near Turin. MARCO BERTORELLO, AFP/Getty Images |
A tourist snorkels with tropical fishes in a swimming pool on June 14, 2018 at the Zoom Torino zoo in Cumiana, near Turin, Italy. MARCO BERTORELLO, AFP/Getty Images |